Friday, January 8, 2016

The Longest Ride

In the Novel "The Longest Ride" by Nicholas Sparks two love stories are being told. By using a series of flashbacks the author transition's from the journey of one couple to the other. The story begins with the background information of Sophia and Luke. Sophia is a college student studying art and has an upcoming internship in Manhattan. Luke is a cowboy, he worked hard and gained experience to become a professional bull rider. Sophia and Luke met at a local bull riding competition that Sophia had been convinced to attend by her friends. Even though the two young adults come from two different worlds they fell in love. As she and Luke fall in love, Sophia found herself imagining a future extremely differently. It seems as though she had not only a change at mind but a change at heart. Luke was badly injured during one of his competitions and Sophia rushed to his side. She turned down everything she ever wanted for him because she realized everything she needed was standing right in front of her.
As for the other couple, Ira and Ruth, they faced struggles of their own. They had fallen in love right before Ira went off to the war. He made it back to Ruth like he promised but was unable to have a family due to injuries from the war. All Ruth wanted in life was a family. She was a school teacher and loved children. She was faced with the decision to leave Ira and find someone who would be able to give her the family she had always dreamed of but she chose to stay with the love of her life, Ira. He was enough family for her, after all he brought her happiness in every way possible.
Luke and Sophia met Ira in a tragic way. On a rainy night his car went off the road and caught on fire. Luke and Sophia we're on their way home from a date when they pulled over to rescue the ninety-one year old Ira from his burning car. Ira and Sophia became inseparable after because she would constantly visit him in the hospital and at his house after he was released. Every day she would read him letters he had written to his late wife. The two would exchange stories about their significant other and created a bond over the months they spent together. Ira guided Sophia and showed her the meaning of love. Ira's message in disguise to the young couple was "the most difficult decisions can yield extraordinary journeys: beyond despair, beyond death, to the farthest reaches of the human heart."
This novel made me step back and think about my goals in life. I replayed the past, present, and imagined my future. I thought I had everything figured out but the novel allowed me to be open-minded to change. I now know that not everything goes as planned but that's okay. Everything happens for a reason.
Overall, the theme of this novel is love. "The Longest Ride" is proof that no matter what love will always find a way. If it is meant to be it will be. Nicholas Sparks was extremely creative in the way he demonstrated despite the complications that made each couples love story and their lives difficult and different from what they once had pictured their future to be they always found their way back to each other. Life is a long ride but with the one you love by your side it makes it worth the while. Take the time to ask yourself, has there ever been a time in your life where you have reconsidered what you wanted? What was the main cause of your doubt?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Aibileen Clark
Aibileen began to take care of white families children at a young age, she was only a teenager. Out of all black maids Aibileen was the first to step up to the plate and reveal detailed information about the daily routine for colored maids. Throughout Aibileen's life she has raised seventeen white children but admits they all grow up to be just as racist and rude as their wealthy, white parents. The decision to help write the book was something Aibileen was distraught over.

When considering assisting in the book Aibileen's main reason why she needed time to think her decision over was because of fear. If caught the consequences would be life threatening. Aibileen's true character was shown when she told Skeeter she would tell her stories. Skeeter was a young white woman who was raised by a colored maid similar to Aibileen. Skeeter developed a strong bond with her maid just like Aibileen tries to do with the children she raises. Aibileen put her own life at risk for others. She wanted everyone to know the daily struggles of "the help". Aibileen's motivation to write the book was because of Mae Mobley. Mae Mobely is a three year old who doesn't quite fir in with her family or the society she was born into. Aibileen protects Mae and is strongly attached to the young girl because Mae's mother is unaccepting and neglects her. Mae Mobely is only one of the children raised by Aibileen but has had the strongest relationship with her by far.

Aibileen is a fighter. She fought for black women to have a better life instead of sitting back and going along with the disrespectful ungrateful treatment. Aibileen Clark is such a strong, generous woman. Even though her son died at age twenty-two she didn't feel sorry for herself. Many people mourn a death of a loved one for years and have a tough time recovering but Aibileen took her pain and turned it into happiness. Aibileen found happiness in the smile and laughter of babies. They are innocent and have so much to offer but the white families focused little on their children and more on their wealth. Aibileen devoted her entire life to children and she raised them better than their own parents would have. She is the definition of a role model for young girls. What characteristics and actions does someone have to portray for you to consider them a role model?