Thursday, October 22, 2015

Aibileen Clark
Aibileen began to take care of white families children at a young age, she was only a teenager. Out of all black maids Aibileen was the first to step up to the plate and reveal detailed information about the daily routine for colored maids. Throughout Aibileen's life she has raised seventeen white children but admits they all grow up to be just as racist and rude as their wealthy, white parents. The decision to help write the book was something Aibileen was distraught over.

When considering assisting in the book Aibileen's main reason why she needed time to think her decision over was because of fear. If caught the consequences would be life threatening. Aibileen's true character was shown when she told Skeeter she would tell her stories. Skeeter was a young white woman who was raised by a colored maid similar to Aibileen. Skeeter developed a strong bond with her maid just like Aibileen tries to do with the children she raises. Aibileen put her own life at risk for others. She wanted everyone to know the daily struggles of "the help". Aibileen's motivation to write the book was because of Mae Mobley. Mae Mobely is a three year old who doesn't quite fir in with her family or the society she was born into. Aibileen protects Mae and is strongly attached to the young girl because Mae's mother is unaccepting and neglects her. Mae Mobely is only one of the children raised by Aibileen but has had the strongest relationship with her by far.

Aibileen is a fighter. She fought for black women to have a better life instead of sitting back and going along with the disrespectful ungrateful treatment. Aibileen Clark is such a strong, generous woman. Even though her son died at age twenty-two she didn't feel sorry for herself. Many people mourn a death of a loved one for years and have a tough time recovering but Aibileen took her pain and turned it into happiness. Aibileen found happiness in the smile and laughter of babies. They are innocent and have so much to offer but the white families focused little on their children and more on their wealth. Aibileen devoted her entire life to children and she raised them better than their own parents would have. She is the definition of a role model for young girls. What characteristics and actions does someone have to portray for you to consider them a role model? 


  1. In my opinion in order for somebody to become a role model they must be supportive, helpful, and have street smarts. In class we learned about common archetypes that could be found in a book. I feel as if a role model would be a Earthly Mother because they offer spiritual and emotional nourishment for those she meets. A role model should be able to do the same. In my book Gone Girl there was no role model to follow after. Amy Dunne the main character in Gone Girl manipulated the media to make herself seem like role model when she 'became' a role model she was known for fighting a man who kidnapped and raped her however she was lying. If she wasn't lying she could be considered a role model though.

  2. I think to be a role model, you need to be trustworthy, kind, and confident. It takes a special type of person to be a role model. In the book I read, called Sticky Fingers, the main character, Jenna, did not have anyone who she could look up to. The people she surrounded herself with were not trustworthy people. They were not supportive or kind. They were cheaters and stealers. Jenna had no one she could confide in. She had to keep everything bottled up. If she had a role model, maybe someone she could look up to for inspiration or advice, she probably would have faced her conflicts head on instead of keeping everything inside. Role models are very important because they can help shape your character.

  3. To be a role model, I think that the person has to experience hardships in order to become stronger and gain wisdom. In my book, "Nevermore", the main character Max and her five friends experience many hardships. The most significant being their guardian betraying them. They are betrayed by their guardian, Jeb, who took care of them since they were little. He became untrustworthy, dishonest, and heartless. I believe everything happens for a reason. The group became stronger through that, grew closer and practically became a family. Max, the leader, had to step up and take care of the other five kids. She became a role model because of her strength and resilience. In the worst times, you see people for what they really are. That is what makes a role model.

  4. A role model is defined as a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people, but i believe it is much more than that. I believe that the characteristics and actions that someone has to portray in order to be considered a role model is inspirational, heroic, and has values. A role model needs to have the ability to over come large obstetrical and keep calm in tough situations. A role model is selfless and very accepting of others.

  5. A role model is defined by their distinctive characteristics, and outstanding abilities. A role model is somebody who can lead, and be an example to others around him. A role model should be able to handle any situation that comes their way. For example, my role models are my parents because they are leaders to many people not just their kids. They help many of our family friend's, and many of the young adults I know. They're able to give advice to people who have no idea where to go. It's almost like they're counselors to many different people. At the same time they know how to lead people, they can handle a situation many would believe impossible to take care of, and settle the situation. I think that a role model should be there for anybody and everybody no matter what. Being a role model is indeed hard work, but that's why the role model usually gets the most credit.

  6. my role model in my life would end up being my dad. he is the hardest worker, most consistent man i know. the characteristics of a role model mean everything. i believe the main characteristics are hard working, respectable, and strong willed. i feel as though all of these describe my dad in every way.

  7. A role model in my opinion is someone who's a leader and qualifies as a person who could be looked up to and followed after. Role models should have a sense of direction that is different from the status quo. Someone who's a role model is dependable, reliable, trustworthy, and has plethora of integrity.

  8. I believe a role model isn't someone who is perfect. Role models have flaws too. My biggest role model is my mother. She is the most kind hearted person, she will give you the clothes off her back if you had none. Though I am very different than my mother, I strive to be her. So I think a role model she be one who does good, whether its pure kindness or good in life. A role model doesn't have to be the richest, they just have to be there for you when you need it most. I think everyone should have a role model and should strive to be like them, just as I strive to be half the person my mother is.

  9. GREAT POST EMMY! A role model to me is someone who stays strong in the toughest of times. for me my role model is my dad, he has been through all of the hardships a man growing up in the 60s could go through. now he is a successful parent who takes care of his kids, raising them to be just like him.
